Daily Discoveries
"Goodbye, Good Luck" was carved into this boulder located in obscure location in the Vosges Mountains. In the Fall of 1918, Americans handed over this part of the Western Front to the Polish Army. On the right side of the boulder, an American Colt 45 revolver is carved into stone with a bullet exiting the chamber. At the bottom is the name of the American soldier who made the carving, "O. Meurer"
Exploded gas shell fired by an American gas warfare unit who saw action along the Western Front in the Vosges Mountains.
Near this stream, the American Medal of Honor winner Sergeant Alvin York apprehended two German soldiers which led to York capturing a total of 132 German soldiers. In 1941, the Hollywood movie "Sergeant York" starring Gary Cooper immortalized this heroic American soldier.
The legendary story of "The Lost Batallion" happened on the hillside in the left part of this photograph.
American Above Ground
American Underground