Press Releases


Christmas Truces Bring Brief Peace for WWI Soldiers 100 Years Ago

Photo from The Hidden World of WWI Gives Poignant Reminder of Centenary DALLAS (Dec. 18, 2014) — Many contemporary holiday cards reflect peaceful tidings, but 100 years ago, peace meant something entirely different to the WWI soldiers who fought bloody… Continue reading  


Never-Before-Seen WWI Photos are Poignant Reminders of the Great War’s Centennial

In time for Veterans Day, carvings represent soldiers’ observance of three phases of the war and peace DALLAS (Nov. 9, 2014)—In honor of Veterans Day, Dr. Jeff Gusky reveals two special new photographs from The Hidden World of WWI collection.… Continue reading  


Evidence of MLB’s Biggest Rivalry Discovered Beneath the Trenches of WWI

100 years later, The Yankees Versus Red Sox Rivalry Lives On VIDEO: DALLAS (August 26, 2014) — Hidden beneath the French countryside are miles of all but forgotten underground cities The Hidden World of WWI. And now, it’s revealed… Continue reading  


100-Year-Old Underground Cities Never Seen Before

Dr. Jeff Gusky Shares His Amazing Discovery with the World DALLAS (August 13, 2014) — Hidden beneath the French countryside are miles of mysterious and all but forgotten underground cities, lying in complete darkness and frozen in time. For the… Continue reading  


New Image Captures Unknown WWI German Tribute to Fallen French Soldier

Dr. Jeff Gusky Releases The Hidden World of World War I to Mark the 100th Anniversary of the Beginning of the War DALLAS (July 31, 2014) — To mark the launch of the 100th anniversary World War I, photographer Dr.… Continue reading  


August National Geographic Features Newly Discovered Hidden World of World War I

Publication Known for Memorable Photography to Share Dr. Jeff Gusky’s Stunning Black-and-White Images DALLAS (July 23, 2014). The August 2014 issue of National Geographic features the work of Jeffrey Gusky, M.D., FACEP, a Dallas-based medical doctor, artist and explorer. Gusky’s… Continue reading  


The Hidden World of WWI Reveals Groundbreaking Discovery

Dallas Doctor, Artist and Explorer Uncovers Powerful, Emotional and Inspiring Inscriptions Left by WWI Soldiers — Never Before Seen VIDEO PRESS RELEASE AVAILABLE AT: DALLAS (July 14, 2014). When photographer Jeffrey Gusky, M.D., FACEP, was given exclusive access to… Continue reading  


Dallas Doctor, Artist and Explorer Dr. Jeffrey Gusky Presents a Collection of Images Never Seen Before

Hidden World of WWI on display thru July 25 at One Arts Plaza Who: Jeffrey Gusky, M.D., FACEP, Doctor, Artist and Explorer What: Selected pieces of The Hidden World of WWI collection will be on display in the com-mercial lobby… Continue reading  


The Hidden World of WWI Reveals Groundbreaking Discovery

When photographer Jeffrey Gusky, M.D., FACEP, was given exclusive access to record all but forgotten underground cities of World War I lying beneath private farms in France, he had no idea what to expect or the impact it would have on others. Now captured in thousands of striking images, Gusky has titled the collection The Hidden World of WWI. Continue reading